Saturday 27 March 2021

She's a Punk Rocker

Wyrd Britain reviews Zillah Minx's celebration of female punks in She's a Punk Rocker.
Made by Zillah Minx of the band Rubella Ballet 'She's a Punk Rocker' is a fun and timely oral history of punk from some of the under-reported but key female figures of the scene.  

With contributions from musicians, artists and writers such as Eve Libertine & Gee Vaucher (Crass), Vi Subversa (Poison Girls), Gaye Black (The Adverts), Poly Styrene (X-Ray Spex), journalist Caroline Coon, Ruth Elias & Janet Nassim (Hagar the Womb), poet Nettie Baker amongst others Minx's film is a vibrant and gloriously garish, day-glo celebration of her friends and contemporaries.

There's a follow up in the works too which you can learn more about here.


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