Wednesday 24 March 2021

All You Need is Blood: The Making of Satan's Slave

Wyrd Britain reviews All You Need is Blood: The Making of Satan's Slave
A short behind the scenes look at the making of Norman J Warren's 1976 horror 'Satan's Slave' that we featured here the other week (click the link back there to watch it) thefirst of a trio of horror's he made over between 1976 and 1978.

Featuring a voice over by Warren and other members of the crew, quick snippets with a couple of cast members including Michael Gough and some footage of them setting up various scenes including testing various shades and consistencies of the blood that Warren's movies are so renowned for.  

In truth there's probably nothing here that would be of any particular interest to anyone who isn't already a fan of the director or the film but personally I always love a peak behind the curtain.

Buy the movie here - UK / US.


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