Thursday 14 April 2022

The Machinery of the Moment

The British Space Group - The Machinery of the Moment
Wyrd Britain is a blog about stories, about the fictions we create around this odd little country some of us call home; stories about thin places and lost places, stone circles and ancient woodlands, about rabbit holes and hills of dreams, time travellers and triffids.  

The Wyrd Britain label expands on this theme by releasing music that also tells stories,  music with a narrative and a sense of the mysterious that would be at home within the occult territories of a stranger Britain.

Following on from 2020's 'The Ley of the Land' 'The Machinery of the Moment' tells a story of an extended moment. Of the point where perception of time - or perhaps even time itself - collapses and we exist in a state of timelessness; a minute in an hour, an hour in a minute, a lifetime lived in the second between the tick and the tock.

'The Machinery of the Moment' is the fifth release from Ian Holloway's current project 'The British Space Group'.  It is a deliberate attempt to merge the music he has created under various guises over the last two decades and released on labels like Quiet World, Fungal and Siren Wire with his love of the strange and supernatural fiction featured on the Wyrd Britain blog. 

'The Machinery of the Moment' is available for download or as a limited edition CDr by clicking on the player below.



If you enjoy what we do here on Wyrd Britain and would like to help us continue then we would very much welcome a donation towards keeping the blog going -

Affiliate links are provided for your convenience and to help mitigate running costs.


  1. Brought here by Mr Ellis' Orbital Operations, and glad to be here.

    1. Hi James,
      Gotta love Warren. He's been a champion of my noises for years now.
      Out of curiosity was it the mention of the release from a few months back you saw or has there been a more recent one that i missed. I'm one of those whose only been getting the newsletter very occasionally. hopefully that'll change now he's swapped hosts,
