Sunday 12 April 2020


Shades of Darkness Afterward
'Afterward' by American writer Edith Wharton is one of those classic ghost stories that turns up again and again in anthologies.  First published in 1910 it's a story of a married couple (Mary and Ned (Edward in the adaptation) Boyne) newly ensconced in their English country home after he has made their fortune in mining.  Warned that their new house is haunted the pair are enthralled by the idea even when told that it's a ghost seen in retrospect where you only realise you've seen a ghost long after you've seen it. Whilst walking on the roof of their new abode (as you do) the pair spot an unexpected visitor heading to the house who subsequently is nowhere to be found which leads to Ned becoming increasingly preoccupied but it's not until he disappears in the company of another visitor that Mary starts to unravel the mystery.

This adaptation was made in 1983 as part of the ITV series Shades of Darkness that consisted of adaptations of stories by ghostly luminaries such as Walter de la Mare (watch 'Seaton's Aunt' here), Agatha Christie, Elizabeth Bowen and May Sinclair (watch 'The Intercessor' here).  As is the case with the others it's a very faithful adaptation but the rather sedate pacing of the original and the subtleties of the story means it's a much less successful adaptation than the two linked to above (both of which are highly recommended) but it is a solid if slight stolid version of a much loved tale that should satisfy both those familiar with the source material and those who are not.


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