Monday 20 April 2020

Collecting Arthur Machen

Arthur Machen
Regular readers of my scribblings here on Wyrd Britain will now that I'm a bit of an Arthur Machen fan. The Penguin Classics collection 'The White People and Other Weird Stories' was the very first post I published on the blog and he's featured in some form or other 16 more times since and there's more (lots more) to come.  His work perfectly encapsulates a large part of what I wanted to explore when I started this blog, he's one of the pantheon of authors that are the foundations of everything I love about British supernatural fiction along with the likes of Algernon Blackwood, John Wyndham, Michael Moorcock and H.G. Wells to name just a few.

Over the few years I've been reading him I've picked up a few old editions of some of his books - both in tasteful hardback and fabulously lurid paperbacks - but by far the largest part of my Machen collection consists of the beautiful hardbacks produced by Tartarus Press who have championed Machen for decades keeping his work (and the work of many of his contemporaries) in print during the times when he had been largely forgotten.

Recently Ray Russell of Tartarus took the time to make another of his wonderfully relaxing and informative videos - check out his video of Mark Valentine talking about his enviable collection here - this time exploring the various editions of Machen's work that have been published through the years.

Note - Ray has subsequently made several more videos documenting Sarban and Robert Aickman.


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