Friday 3 July 2020

Future Tense - The Story of H.G. Wells

H.G. Wells Future Tense
This very short documentary was made by the BBC in 2016 to commemorate 150th anniversary of Wells' birth.  Long regarded (along with Jules Verne) as the father of science fiction Herbert George Wells was a novellist, social commentator and futurist who contributed key works to the sci-fi canon - 'The War of the Worlds',  'The Time Machine', 'The Invisible Man' to name just three - and also, inadvertently, to the creation of the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was based on his 1940 progressive, humanitarian manifesto 'The Rights of Man'.

I love a documentary but I'm not going to lie to you, it looks like they knocked this one out in a hurry.  It's a ridiculously brief overview of a career that lasted some 60 odd years and produced so many pivotal works.  Its brief to the point that unless I blinked and missed it they didn't even talk about 'The Invisible Man' which you'd imagine would rate a mention or two but, much like the ghost story documentary I posted here the other week, as a quick fix it does the job and if you've no more than a passing knowledge of the life of this most important of authors then this will add a detail or two.


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  1. I actually found that really good!

    1. I agree. What's there is good, i just thought they could have done more with it.
