Sunday 14 February 2021

The Sorcerers

Starring Boris Karloff, Catherine Lacey, Elizabeth Ercy and Ian Ogilvy 'The Sorcerers' is the story of disgraced hypnotist Dr Marcus Monserrat (Karloff) who, over a characteristically sad looking Wimpy hamburger, somehow convinces bored hipster Mike Roscoe (Ogilvy) to allow himself to be strapped into the machine he's invented. Said machine looks to be straight out of 'The Prisoner' (UK / US) and after some suitably psychedelic lighting effects and an electronic squall worthy of the Radiophonic greats it allows Monserrat and his wife Estelle (Lacey) to control Roscoe's mind and perceive everything he does.  It's not long though before the flood of emotions and experiences overwhelm Estelle and her darker nature comes to the fore.

Karloff is always a powerful presence and Ogilvy a reliable leading man but the movie belongs to Catherine Lacey's powerful performance as her addict's craving for new experiences degenerates into murderous madness.

Of the three movies director Michael Reeves made in his short career the third, 'The Witchfinder General' (UK / US), is undoubtedly his most widely celebrated but for me, as good as that movie is, it's this his second movie made the previous year, 1967, that's his best and shows just how good he was and would've been.

Buy it here - UK / US.


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