Thursday 8 July 2021

Changes to email subscription

Hi folks 

Just a quick heads up that due to Google closing down their email subscription service, Feedburner, I've had to swap over to a different provider, 

If you've already subscribed then other than it being from a different provider you should continue to receive the notifications as before.  Apparently also for those who are au fait with these sort of things you can tweak the way you receive the notifications.  Personally I haven't a clue about any such shenanigans but I've been informed this is the case.

Obviously, subscribing by email is the easiest way of getting to read Wyrd Britain and we heartily recommend it or you can directly follow the blog via the link in the sidebar or join our Facebook page.


If you enjoy what we do here on Wyrd Britain and would like to help us continue then we would very much welcome a donation towards keeping the blog going -

Affiliate links are provided for your convenience and to help mitigate running costs.

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