Tuesday 31 July 2018

Sapphire and Steel - Top Ten TV

Joanna Lumley and David McCallum
"No spaceships, no ray guns, no men in silver suits.  It was about atmosphere, fear and creaky stairs." - P.J. Hammond

Below is a short - very short - discussion about Sapphire and Steel from a show called 'Top Ten TV'.  Presented by Nick Frost it includes contributions from writer PJ Hammond and lead actor David McCallum alongside the usual vaguely irritating types that populate these sort of shows.  It's an innocuous but fun little watch and it uses 'Bela Lugosi's Dead' by Bauhaus as background music which always adds to the proceedings.

If this has wet your appetite you can find a much longer documentary here:
Sapphire and Steel: Counting Out Time

Watch the series here:
Sapphire and Steel

Or you can buy the box set here:
Sapphire and Steel: The Complete Series (Repackaged) [2008] [DVD]


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  1. It really is amazing. Not as obscure as some of your posts but so important that people be made aware of it.

    1. Hi James. I'm a huge fan so S&S us something i'll always come back to. It's right at the centre of where my love of weird fiction comes from and i'm always amazed that there are folks who still haven't seen it yet.
