Thames & Hudson
Searching for the philosophers’ stone in the pursuit of transmutation and immortality; harnessing the properties of the natural world to cast magic spells; seeking visionary experiences to connect with the spiritual world; conjuring demons to enact our desires; using the tarot and astrology to divine the future – the quest to understand the mysteries of the universe and to tap into its powers has fuelled manifold occult philosophies from the early esoteric traditions of the ancient Egyptians to the practices of modern occultists.
The latest in a line of fascinating books from T&H this books is a deep dive into the visual language of the occult as represented in art and mysticism. Here we take a whistlestop tour through time from Ancient Egypt to modern video games and across nine aspects of the various incarnations of occult lore with chapters on Astrology, Alchemy, Kabbalah, Natural Magic, Astral magic, Ritual Magic, Occultism, Tarot and New Age & Occulture.
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