Sunday 8 October 2023


Wyrd Britain reviews 'Panic' from 1978.
After walking out on her controlling boyfriend, Paul (Peter Blake), and being hassled at some traffic lights by a couple of drunk 'punks' (Ray Burdis & John Blundell), Mandy (Julie Neesam) takes pity on an old lady (Avis Bunnage) waiting at a bus stop in the rain at night and offers her a lift. Unfortunately Mandy's good deed won't go unpunished as she begins to suspect that the hairy handed old lady isn't quite what she seems.

Taking a well known urban myth as it's basis and at under 20 minutes long it's a perfectly formed, bite sized short made on an obviously tiny budget most of which probably got spent on the Porsche.  I'm guessing this is a copy of a copy of a copy of a copied VHS video tape that someone found in a pond so the picture quality will evoke feelings of deep nostalgia for people of a similar age to me and who also grew up watching knock-off copies of video nasties but it means most of the film is really dark and it's quite difficult to make out much in the scenes inside the car - this one is the brightest of the ones currently online - but it's well worth sticking with.

There's very little available info that I can find beyond cast, crew and the 1978 release date and that those who have seen mostly saw it in the cinema as a support (let's bring those back?) but there are a couple of memories of TV showings so if you know any more please comment below. 

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