Friday 13 October 2023

Berlin Sounds Decadent - From Cabaret to Krautrock

Wyrd Britain reiews 'Berlin Sounds Decadent: From Cabaret to Krautrock'.
I'm possibly stretching my own rules for Wyrd Britain to the very edge of breaking point with this one but personally I'm fascinated by the times and the music covered in this BBC radio documentary and in Berlin of the cold war era in particular and thought there was just enough of a relevance to some of the things I feature on here to justify it's inclusion - click here if you disagree.  If you were to search through my music collection I  would hazard a guess that at least half, if not more, of the music in there was either made in Germany during the 60s, 70s and 80s or was profoundly influenced by it.

The documentary takes David Bowie's relocation to Berlin as it's focus discussing what drew him to the city and from there looks at some of the astonishing music being made in Germany by the likes of Can, Cluster, Neu!, Kraftwerk and Faust and later Einsturzende Neubauten and others but all the time keeping the history in the context of how these musical mavericks influenced musicians in the UK (and beyond) amongst them Brian Eno, John Foxx and Katharine Blake (who all feature here in some form) that would in many ways define music through the end of the 20th century and well into the 21st. 

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