Friday 15 September 2023

The Hound of Death

Wyrd Britain reviews 'The Hound of Death' by Agatha Christie read by Christopher Lee.
Read by Christopher Lee, 'The Hound of Death" was first published in the collection of the same name in 1933, which, unusually for Agatha Christie, consisted of several stories of a supernatural bent.

The story of an Englishman intrigued by the story of a young Belgian nun who is believed to have conjured a bolt of lightning killing a group of invading German soldiers and destroying her convent and leaving behind only the outline of a hound scorched into the ruins.  Visiting her in her new home in Cornwall he discovers her wracked by hallucinations and under the treatment of a young and ambitious doctor.

There is much here that will be familiar to Christie fans but this unusual foray into the realms of the supernatural makes for an enjoyably heady mix particularly when narrated by so distinctive and iconic a voice as Lee's with all it's associated cultural weight.

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