Tuesday 22 August 2023

Kevin O'Neill

Wyrd Britain celebrates comic book artist Kev O'Neill with the 2000AD thrillcast podcast interview.
Remembering legendary comic artist Kevin O'Neill on what would have been his 70th birthday with this fascinating two part interview where the artist talks about his long career in both British and American comics.

An early job as an office boy at IPC led to him being one of the original staffers on a new science fiction comic being developed at the company called 2000AD.  For the new comic he drew covers and posters and occasional Future Shocks before he became a regular artist on the Ro-Busters strip working with writer Pat Mills with whom he would have a long and productive association on strips and titles such as Nemesis the Warlock, ABC Warriors, Metalzoic and Marshal Law.

Wyrd Britain celebrates comic book artist Kev O'Neill with the 2000AD thrillcast podcast interview.
O'Neill's other collaborator of note would be another 2000AD alumni, the grand wizard of comics, Alan Moore with whom he enjoyed a 20 year collaboration on The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen having also, in 1986, collaborated on Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual No. 2 for DC Comics which contributed to the downfall of the censorious Comics Code Authority who objected wholesale to O'Neill's entire art style much, I imagine, to his delight.

Wyrd Britain celebrates comic book artist Kev O'Neill with the 2000AD thrillcast podcast interview.
O'Neill died on 3rd November 2022 leaving a gaping, lurid, flamboyant, spectacular hole in the world of comics having forged a singular path through the industry by producing some of the most memorable work in the field.  For me as a young kid discovering comics in the 1970s and 80s it was always his art that shone through, that unmistakable air of the macabre, the underlying violence, the explosive dynamism, the irresistable humour and, above all, the incomparable character of this quintessential artist and storyteller.


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