Wednesday 12 October 2016

More Haunted Houses

Aidan Chambers
Piccolo Books

I've not read the first of these but I imagine it's a very similar sort of animal.  Here Chambers takes a variety of hauntings - Raynham Hall, Breckles Hall, The London Museum, The Bank of England, Ashley Hall, Birchen Bower and more and with varying degrees of detail sets out to report each.

I've no particular interest in 'true' ghost stories but Chambers writes engagingly and the stories he tells are lively enough to keep things moving and hold my attention.

The two more interesting chapters here deal firstly with the different perspectives on a haunting experienced by those present at a haunting in 1833 as reported through articles and letters printed in the newspaper, the Norfolk Chronicle, and secondly with a short collection of some of the experiences of Violet Tweedale.

A short and enjoyable little selection wrapped up in a lovely cover.

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