Friday 18 September 2020

Peel Sessions 1

Most mornings over the last few turbulent months I tried to remember to post a song over on the Wyrd Britain Facebook page as a way of saying "Good morning" and connecting with folks during this difficult time.  This usually took the form of whatever favourite tune happened to pop into my head each morning and as such could be anything from 'Sebastian' by Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel to The Damned's 'Love Song', from Sunforest's sublime 'Magician in the Mountain' to Napalm Death's prog rock epic 'You Suffer'.

Over the last two weeks I've modified this approach slightly and instead have decided to celebrate two deeply missed cultural icons, John Peel and his long running Peel Sessions where for over 30 years he invited a staggeringly diverse assortment of around 2000 bands and solo artists into the BBC studios to record a suite of songs for his show.  

So the other day I sat down and made a list of some of my favourite sessions by bands that I like and that I thought would be of interest to readers of this blog. So each morning (Monday to Saturday) for the next little while I'm going to be posting a Peel Session for your listening pleasure and in the spirit of the man it's going to be as eclectic as I can possibly make it.  To fit with the ethos of the blog it's only going to feature British artists which means lots of very wonderful sessions won't feature (they're probably on YouTube though so go look them up) but I think you'll find lots to enjoy nonetheless.

It occurred to me earlier though that many readers don't follow the Facebook page so each Saturday evening I'm going to collate them in a blog post to share here.  It's already been running a week so here's the first batch with week two tomorrow.
Hope you enjoy.


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  1. May I commend you on your taste, sir. I still miss Peel - taken from us far too soon - and feel sure that, even in this current climate, where everyone is a 'DJ' (it seems!), and curators of all manner of weird and wonderful music have sprung far and wide, John would still be doing something unique and 'Peel-esque'.

    1. Why thank you kindly. He was truly a one off. I'm going to be doing these peel session posts for a good while so hope you find lots to enjoy.
