Thursday 22 November 2018

D. Rothon - Nightscapes

Clay Pipe Music

David Rothon is a multi-instrumentalist from London who has worked in collaboration with artists such as Ian Masters (vocalist / bassist of 4AD shoegazers Pale Saints) and singer / performance artist Claudia Barton but, I must admit a completely new name for me.  This is good though as I'm going into this promo of his brand new album on Claypipe with no preconceptions other than my knowledge that they're a label that has built up a fearsome reputation for quality releases over the last few years from folk such as Jon Brooks (he of the Advisory Circle) and Vic Mars.

Wrapped in the idiosyncratic and characteristically stylish and beautiful artwork of label boss and illustrator Frances Castle, 'Nightscapes' is a collection of tunes that walk the hinterland between hauntologically tinged electronica, 70s radiophonics and library cues.

At times early on there is a slight seeming disconnect with the title as the music feels to be not so much 'Nightscapes' as maybe 'Dawnscapes'' as the album opens with a real sense of optimism; a swell into the grandeur of the dawn.  As we move through the album this becomes less the case as it sometimes presents itself with a bittersweet melancholy, othertimes as a queasy calliope melody and still again dripping with noir-ish cool.

'Nightscapes' is a procession of vignettes / snapshots that form almost a travelogue.  Glimpses of other people's lives through gaps in the crowd or flashes of a story seen via the headlights of a passing cab which makes it a very compelling listen that I have been returning to often over recent days.

'Nightscapes' released on 14th December and is available direct from the label.


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