Tuesday 19 June 2018

Nick Drake

Nick Drake

Despite only releasing 3 albums during his life time to very little acclaim English singer-songwriter Nick Drake has posthumously become one of the most revered of his peers.  

Drake was born in Burma in 1948 but grew up in Tanworth-in-Arden, Warwickshire, England.  His musical career was undistinguished and all 3 of his records - Five Leaves LeftBryter Layter and Pink Moon - sold poorly due in no small part to his reticence to play live or to engage with promotional opportunities.  After releasing his third album in 1972 Drake's mental health had deteriorated to a point that necessitated a return to the family home where, on 25th November 1974, he took a suspected overdose of antidepressants and died.

Since his death his music has been championed by musicians such as REM, Beck, Swans, Mars Volta & Norah Jones.  His three albums have become cornerstones of modern British folk and indie.

Buy them here...
Five Leaves Left
Bryter Layter
Pink Moon

Included below are two documentaries about Drake's life and music.  They cover much the same ground and are both very watchable but the first, produced by the BBC, has attained some notoriety amongst Drake fans for the slightly unflattering picture it paints whilst the second, a Dutch production, pays deeper attention to the music. I've included both to give you a choice.


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