Thursday 11 May 2017

Sapphire & Steel: Counting Out Time

In the pantheon of Wyrd Britain TV there are a couple of shows that sit above them all; Sapphire and Steel is most assuredly one of them.  From the perfect casting of the two leads,  Joanna Lumley's icily, beautiful 'Sapphire' and the cool, unbreakable, inflexiblity of David McCallum's 'Steel' to Peter J. Hammond's gloriously inventive scripts and the isolated, claustrophobia of the settings.

We've discussed the show on Wyrd Britain before - here - so today I'd like to show you a short retrospective from the recent box set featuring the two leads, the writer and producer Shaun O'Riordan reminiscing about their time on the show.

Buy it here - Sapphire and Steel: The Complete Series (Repackaged) [2008] [DVD] - or watch it below.



  1. Replies
    1. You are obviously a man of taste and distinction.

  2. S&S was unfortunately afflicted by the dreadful pacing that also crucified many a Doctor Who storyline. Cut the duration by 50% and there would be more crackers. But the anti-hero protagonists kick ass, and the stories were certainly wyrd.

    1. I agree on a couple of them but to me the station, the photographs and the final are all perfect - yes even the ending.

  3. Perhaps THE weirdest thing about the show,is the time it was broadcast - twice a week,at 7pm,just before Coronation Street.Such peak time bizarrity would never be countenanced these days!
