Thursday 9 June 2016

Wyrd Britain Mix 10: Alan Gubby guest mix - Buried Treasures Albion

I'm very pleased to be able to bring to you the next in our series of guest mixes with this frankly stunning set of the Wyrdest of British musical delights compiled by Alan Gubby.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Alan he is a musician, with the band Revbjelde, and head honcho of the really very wonderful Buried Treasure label which over the last few years has released a string of fabulous records both new and old.  Indeed, if memory serves, last years Wyrd Britain's 'Best of 2015' list featured 3 of their releases and the 'Best of 2016' one already has one of theirs on it, the phenomenal 'A Thousand Strands' album by The Dandelion Set.

Alan is also a Radiophonic Workshop fanatic and so far has been responsible for the three compilations of Workshopper John Baker's music - the two volumes of the 'John Baker Tapes' on Trunk Records and 'The Vendetta Tapes' on Buried Treasure - all of which are utterly essential purchases for any fan of the BBCRW.

To give you some idea of just how diverse Alan's label is the most recent release is of a warehouse find of original copies of Konstantin Raudive's 7" of his experiments with communicating with the dead via 'electronic voice phenomena' - 'Breakthrough' - which older readers may remember was also issued as a flexidisc with copies of 'The Unexplained' and a sample of which can be heard in the mix.

So without further waffling on my part I invite you to sit back with a glass of something tasty and enjoy this wonderful and eclectic mix.

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