Wednesday 11 December 2019

The Occult: Mysteries Of The Supernatural (1977)

The Occult Mysteries Of The Supernatural (1977)
So, it's 1977 and you need someone to narrate your documentary about - dum, dum, duuum - 'The Occult' then there's really only one candidate and happily he's available so here we have the dark lord himself, Sir Christopher of Lee, guiding us through an overview of the various branches of the supernatural world of the 1970s.

Following the fabulously groovy opening titles witches, astrologers, mediums, astral projectors and spoon benders in very fetching pyramid hats all get some airtime alongside clips from classic horror movies with Lee keeping his commentary just on the diplomatic side of bemused scepticism.

You're not going to learn anything here but it is a fabulous slice of history that entirely feels like one of those coffee table books of the supernatural and the unexplained that were all the rage at the time.


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