Wednesday 19 September 2018

The Balloon

The lost art of subtle product placement
You now those mornings when you wake up wondering why-oh-why didn't that doyen of the brain freeze, Slush Puppie, ever make any public information films?  After all, frozen-ish beverage manufacturers are perfectly placed to warn children of the perils of road safety.

Well, you can now rest easy because they did make one.  Boy oh boy did they make one.

It features a very creepy clown (is there any other kind?), some balloons, some product placement, a fabulous proto-hauntological soundtrack by Andrew Hellaby (of freak folk legends 'Comus') and the deaths of several children about which nobody seems particularly concerned.

The UK had a great tradition of offing kids in public information films by variously dunking them in dark and lonely water, locking them in abandoned fridges, holding sports days on railway tracks or throwing Frisbees at power stations and this is a fine addition to the canon.

Watch it at the link below.


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  1. Have never seen this before. Superb post Ian absolutely fantastic.

    1. Thank you Keith, glad you enjoyed. i must give credit for the find to Ben Soundhog though. the man is a digger par excellence.

  2. I hate clowns! Although it might have scared me into observing the green cross code.
