Wednesday 28 December 2016

The Infinite Ghost Cage

This is a special Xmas edition of the fabulous BBC Radio 4 series 'The Infinite Monkey Cage' dealing with that most Wyrd Britain of topics, ghosts.  Woooooooooo (sorry, I promise I won't do that again)

Alongside hosts Robin Ince and Brian Cox this episode features Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, actor and writer Mark Gatiss, cultural anthropologist Deborah Hyde and Nick Baines, the Bishop of Leeds. 

It's not the most coherent of discussions - too many people pulling in too many directions - and I'm well aware that many people find Brian Cox to be entirely marmite but it is entertaining.

I don't know how long the link will last and as it's the BBC those of you living beyond these shores may have to use a proxy server to get it to play.


  1. BBC radio always works without a proxy server. It's TV that is problematic. Thanks for posting, I'll definitely give a listen.
