Tuesday 8 September 2015

The School Is Full of Noises

BBC Radio 4

Poet Ian McMillan explores the world of ceative music making in the music education of the 1960s as he uncovers the work of teachers and children who created avant garde music and wonders how this impacted on the participants.

At only 30 minutes long it's far too short for such a large and interesting topic but it is fascinating with contributions from both enthusiasts - Jonny Trunk - and experts - Stephanie Pitts.

The BBC link won't embed so listen after the jump...

The School Is Full of Noises 

(if that link goes dead Jon Savage has it has his site here)

If this sort of thing is as up your particular street as it is mine then this is a subject that we've featured before with reviews of two Trunk Records releases...

Music for Children (Schulwerk)


Classroom Projects


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