Sunday 9 November 2014

Quatermass and the Pit

If you were to ask me now which of the Quatermass is my favourite I don't think I'd be able to to chose between the full length TV series edit of the John Mills one and '...the Pit'.  In actual fact it'd be a close call between all of them but I think those two have the edge.

Adapted from the TV serial of the same name 'Quatermass and the Pit' is a 1967 Hammer movie with American actor Brian Donlevy stepping aside from the title role and Scotsman Andrew Keir taking up the mantle. 

The story finds Quatermass investigating a strange object found during excavations in a London tube station named Hobbs End where, with the help of paleontologist Dr Matthew Roney (James Donald) and around the hindering presence of Colonel Breen (Julian Glover), he uncovers an uncomfortable truth about humanity's past and unleashes a force that could ensure it has no future.

It's a classic piece of British sci-fi and Keir is perfectly cast as a gruff and exasperated Quatermass at odds with the beauraucrats around him and embroiled in events that are soon spiralling out of control.  It's beautifully constructed with the tension building right from the off until the electrifying climax. 

Buy it here - UK / US


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  1. It's one of my favourite films, which scarred me as a child. But the series certainly has its own charms. The greater length allowed more atmosphere to build. So, like you, I wouldn't wish to choose.

    1. I actually rewatched this three days ago for the umpteenth time and still adore it.
