Monday 13 January 2020

The Ley of the Land

Wyrd Britain is a blog about stories, about the fictions we create around this odd little country some of us call home.  Stories about the thin places and the lost places, about stone circles and ancient woodlands, about rabbit holes and hills of dreams, about time travellers, triffids, suddenly appearing shopkeepers and whatever it was that Charlie said.

So, when we decided to launch a label we wanted to release music that also told stories,  music with a narrative and a sense of the mysterious that would be at home within the occult territories of a stranger Britain.

The British Space Group is the most recent project of Welsh musician Ian Holloway and this, his third under that name, follows on from the acclaimed 'Eyes Turned Skyward' and the radiophonic miniatures of 'Phantasmagoria'.  This latest album continues the hauntologically inclined electronica of those albums but combines it with the dark, post-industrial ambience of the albums he's released under his own name over the last two decades on labels such as Quiet World.

'The Ley of the Land' tells a subtle story; one of dark nights and disembodied voices.  It tells of a haunted moment and gives a time stretched glimpse behind the curtain into an enigmatic and uneasy other here.

'The Ley of the Land' is available for download or as a limited edition CDr by clicking on the player below.


If you enjoy what we do here on Wyrd Britain and would like to help us continue then we would very much welcome a donation towards keeping the blog going -

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